Children of God
Updated: May 16, 2022
Whose child are you really? You Father in Heaven has an answer.

There is much in the news these days about the children of the royals in England. Prince George and Princess Charlotte have been gracing the covers of numerous magazines and newspapers lately. They are just regular children who just so happen to be the children of the future King of England. There are many benefits to being the children of William and Kate but there will also be much responsibility.
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Some may envy them and dislike them mainly for selfish reasons. “Why could I not be born into a family like that” many might mumble under their breath. It doesn’t seem fair that only a lucky few are born into a family of wealth and prominence. Well I am here to tell you today that you too have been born into a family of wealth and prominence.
Are you a Royal?
I have recently been doing research on my genealogy and with all of the tools available to us today, it makes it so much easier to discover your roots. I have traced one line of my parents all the way back to the late 1400’s in Ireland. I have also discovered I was related to a one time mayor of London. There is another resource that spells out our roots and explains to us where we come from.
In the Beginning
We are all children of Noah.
Based on the scriptures, we can all trace our roots back to Noah. He was the earthly father of us all after the flood. Along with Adam, these two figures can undeniably claim to be our ancestral parents. In Luke 3, it reviews the genealogy of Jesus and ends with “the son of Enosh, the son of Seth, the son of Adam, the son of God.” Adam was the son of God and if we are sons and daughters of Adam, we are born into the most wealthy and prominent family in the universe.
Great Inheritance
Prince George and Princess Charlotte will be heirs to a great inheritance for sure when their parents have passed on. But this inheritance is land and buildings and jewelry and art. All of which can be destroyed, decay or stolen. But we the children of God seek after another type of treasure.
Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will never fail, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys.
If you want to understand how valuable you are to God, read the entire chapter of Luke 12.
Peter reaffirms this
1 Peter 1:4 and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you.
As mentioned before, there are many benefits to this relationship but also much responsibility. We are to be about God’s business here on earth and not our own. If we believe in Him, He will direct our paths and insure we have everything we need. Wouldn’t you do the same for your children?
God has a special plan for all of us that seek after Him. This life of 40 – 80 years is insignificant to the length of eternity. Embrace what you have and know you are special in the eyes of God and He will take care of you. Why? because we are His children.